Episode 42: Clinical pharmacists with Laura Means Ebbitt

An overview of the role and contributions of a clinical pharmacist in the ICU, with Laura Means Ebbitt of the University of Kentucky, a clinical pharmacist specializing in colorectal/ENT surgery and critical care.

Takeaway lessons

  1. A clinical pharmacist is a “knowledge pharmacist,” dispensing advice rather than medications. They round with the team to review meds and answer questions about routes, interactions, etc, follow up on patient education and post-discharge coordination, assist with medications during cardiac arrests and other emergencies, and provide other clinically-oriented guidance and oversight. Most have completed post-graduate residency programs.
  2. Clinical pharmacists generally have an important role for antibiotic regimen selection, monitoring, and stewardship.
  3. They consider cost in a way that providers rarely do.
  4. They provide patient education that we typically defer or omit.
  5. They’re great at catching deviations in good ICU practices, such as missing DVT or stress ulcer prophylaxis, managing and reconciling home medications, and coordinating nutrition needs (particularly with TPN).


Via Duke University
Via the 2021 Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines

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